ドラゴン(ドローイング)Dragon Drawing, 飯塚国雄 Kunio Iizuka

第二回 反原発展
Monday, March 11, 2013, 12 - 9 pm

A&G International Gallery
175 Maplewood Avenue Bogota, NJ 07603
Appointment only : keiko@keikokoshimitsu.net
マップ / Map


Ten New York based Japanese etc. artists with their visual art works in different media warn that it is disapprovingly dangerous for earthquake country Japan to keep nuclear power plants.

出品アーティスト Participating Artists
Aiko Aoyagi
H. Max Horbund
Kunio Iizuka
Yoshiko Ikeda
Mi Jung Kim
Kenji Kojima
Keiko Koshimitsu
Kazumi Nagakura
Hitoshi Nakazato
Mikako Fujiwara

Contact: Keiko Koshimitsu

311東日本大震災メモリアル展覧会 第2回「反原発展」





311 Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake 2nd Year Memorial Exhibition
「Anti-Nuke Power Art 」

   On March 11, 2011 our beautiful native country Japan experienced an unprecedented large earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident. After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, many people in Japan felt it is our responsibility to make the world aware of the dangers of nuclear power and to lead the world in anti-nuclear power awareness so as not to waste the inconceivable losses we suffered.

   Even after two years have passed, it’s still obvious that the situation has not changed at all we can see the government and country are depending on nuclear power. They say that it’s safe for people, but the government, politicians, and related companies are lying. The disaster should have brought us all to an awareness of the safety of nuclear power, but the reality is things are becoming worse and the situation is being hidden from the public. Those with vested interests in nuclear powers plants and the power structure surrounding them point to energy security and the country’s economy. What is evident in the Fukushima disaster is the hoax perpetrated by nuclear related industry, academia and the government in deceiving the people about it’s safety. The news media has concealed the radioactive damage and the massive release of radioactivity that is becoming increasingly serious.

   Even yet this subject is considered as taboo in Japan and the U.S. The burden including the issue of nuclear waste to the later generation is not being dealt with responsibly. It is time for all of us to recognize as social beings in order to protect the "life" of the children we love, and to leave an era of hope for them in the future.

   The whole world has been manipulated by the rhetoric of "peaceful use of nuclear energy". Now is the time to pull out from this lie and to use art to bring awareness to the devil of nuclear power.