しかしながら、強固に作り上げられた原発をめぐる利権の構造は4年が経過した今もやすやすとは崩れず、未だに国の経済とエネルギー安全保障を楯に原発事業への依存振りが透けて見える有様です。政・官に原子力関係の産・学が癒着した原発推進者ばかりの共同体が、安全デマと莫大な広告戦略で国民を洗脳してきた証拠がこの福島原発事故です。放射能被害を隠蔽しようとする日本の報道界から福島原発事故のニュースが消えつつある中で、この事故は収束を迎えたどころか、これからも放射能の大量放出が続き、国民の健康被害はますます深刻な方向に向かいながらも、政治の力でもみ消されていくでしょう。 2013年、日本では既に現役を引退した元国家のリーダー達が、我々の原発政策は間違いだった、原発がなくても電気は足りていたし、原発は安全ではなかった、コストは最も高く、ひとたび事故が起れば故郷が消えてなくなるほどその被害は途方もない、日本の将来を思うといても立ってもいられなくなった、日本はエネルギー転換期に来たと反原発声明を発し、世論は揺れました。多くの国民の同感を得ましたが、一般国民の保身を考えれば、反原発は未だタブー視されているのが現実です。しかし、最終処分法も未解決である核廃棄物の問題を始め、後の世代に全ての負担を付回すというのはあまりに無責任です。愛する子供達の「命」を守る為に、彼らに希望の時代を残す為に、この4年間で社会性に目覚めた国民1人1人が声を上げ、何が人類に取って正しいのか自分で判断し、自分が出来る事から何か行動を起こさなければなれない時代が来たのだ考えます。「今愛なら何をするだろうか? 「原子力の平和利用」というレトリックに全世界が欺かれてきましたが、今こそ私たちはこの悪魔のテクノロジーからきっぱり手を引く時が来るまで、決して諦める事なくアートを通して反原発を訴え続けて行きたいと思います。
Even after four years have passed, it’s still obvious that the situation has not changed at all we can see the government and country are depending on nuclear power. They say that it’s safe for people, but the government, politicians, and related companies are lying. The disaster should have brought us all to an awareness of the safety of nuclear power, but the reality is things are becoming worse and the situation is being hidden from the public. Those with vested interests in nuclear powers plants and the power structure surrounding them point to energy security and the country’s economy. What is evident in the Fukushima disaster is the hoax perpetrated by nuclear related industry, academia and the government in deceiving the people about its safety. The news media has concealed the radioactive damage and the massive release of radioactivity that is becoming increasingly serious. Then the news of them may be erased by the power of politics. In 2013, our former national leaders who have retired from politics already have issued a statement that our primary Policy of Nuclear Power was the wrong way such as Electricity had enough even without nuclear power, Nuclear power is not safe, Cost is highest as compared with the power otherwise, there is extensive damage that could eliminate a hometown to disappear if an accident at least happens once. Many people agreed but oppose the nuclear power is still taboo. Even yet this subject is considered as taboo in Japan and the U.S. The burden including the issue of nuclear waste to the later generation is not being dealt with responsibly. It is time for all of us to recognize as social beings in order to protect the "life" of the children we love, and to leave an era of hope for them in the future. “What would Love do..” The whole world has been manipulated by the rhetoric of "peaceful use of nuclear energy". Now is the time to pull out from this lie and to use art to bring awareness to the devil of nuclear power.