New York City Subway 2005-07 by Kenji Kojima | Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

Empty seat from an opened door / Sitting white sneaker man is holding a pole
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Two passengers are standing, and one is sitting / Bicycle leans on a blue iron pillar
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Man striding the platform / Woman carries a shoping cart on 42 St station
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Black coat and hat woman goes down to the stairs / Woman in pink goes to th eleft, Man has green bags goes up
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Sandalled women got off / White shirt and brown shirt women are hugging
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Bus and subway maps / D train has gone
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Women wear fur mufflers are getting on / Passengers from the window
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Children are waiting their parents / Black coat woman is coming, Red jacket and purple women are going
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"

Train left from 59th station / Gray hair man and coming four people
Digital print, Image size 5.25 x 7"