越光桂子 原発シリーズ:福島第一原子力発電所 / 東海原子力発電所 /
Keiko Koshimitsu Nuclear Series: the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant / the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant

"Nuclear SeriesⅡ – the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant" by Keiko Koshimitsu
作品名「原発シリーズ Ⅱ- 福島第一原子力発電所」
Title: “Nuclear SeriesⅡ – the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant”
Artist: Keiko Koshimitsu
This is not the Atomic bomb.
This is a picture of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Reactor # 3 Explosion at 2011, March 14th 11:01am.
Japan after all became the victim of the atomic energy by both military and civil causes.
Until this accident happened, Tragedies caused by two atomic bombs had hardly hindered promotion of the nuclear power generation by Japanese government. Experiencing two atomic bombs as a display of enormous power of nuclear energy had convinced Japan that the nuclear power was a must for them to prosper, and had become the primary driving force behind the promotion and dependence upon the power. Nuclear power was highly attractive because it yielded a massive power from a tiny portion of uranium. In order for its economy to thrive, an Asian country with a scarce energy resource had decided to rely upon the technology that could go beyond human control.
But please think about Nuclear Power Station which produces highly poisonous radioactive matters which must be completely kept away from any life forms, is going on everyday at a nuclear plant in the residence area. What does this mean? Is this right? These are the very questions the viewers are asked to stop and consider once again.
The Fukushima’s disaster all at once blew away the myth that the nuclear plants in Japan are absolutely safe. Also it revealed the myth of the nuclear power being a cheap energy was mere a fiction made up by the authorities’ strong opinions and optimisms at that time. But, In Japan the nuclear power plant industry itself is one giant system. The existing rights and interests around the system would not be forfeited or surrendered easily. Even with the fact that Fukushima disaster is forcing 530,000 residents within 30km to lose everything they ever owned and flee hometown, the Japanese government has not changed its nuclear energy policy. Thus, reactors in Japan would not stop.
With extremely scarce natural resources, if Japan continues to seek for further economic development and convenience, it will sooner or later face a wall. Being the most economically matured among the world’s developed nations, Japan has the fastest rates of declining number of children and increasing number of elders. For not only Japan but also the entire world, is it not time to replace the growth oriented doctrine with a structure focusing upon energy conservation and promotion of natural energies? Unless we now abandon the technology that is already beyond human control, lives of children and the earth will never be out of imminent danger. In Europe, “100% Renewable Energy Scenario”, under which all energy demand is planned to be satisfied only with natural energy by approximately 2050, was announced. Although the disaster in Fukushima is unfortunate, it would be great if it can be a foundation stone to the worldwide “Post Fukushima movement” that upholds withdrawal from nuclear energy and develop natural energy. Having experienced a scary nuclear disaster, the Japanese people must now decide whether to switch to the natural energy or return to the traditional energy generation.
The U.S. is in the process of restarting establishment of new nuclear plants, which has been frozen for more than 30 years ever after the Three Mile Island accident of 1979. The U.S. homeland is no longer safe, as the myth of safety was destroyed by 9.11. Accordingly 3.11 shattered the safety myth around the nuclear power generation and uncovered that science and technology cannot solve energy problems and exposed the limitation of the growth oriented doctrines. Both U.S. and Japan should shut out greed now. Now is the time to let the governments hear our voices for early realization of national policies that support an immediate withdrawal from the nuclear fuel cycle, promotion of energy conservation, efficient utilization of energy, and development of natural energy generation.
Japan: the victim country of this unconceivable disaster believes that the world without nuclear energy is what the world must head for and rewards victims' suffering and loss of their family members. Yet, it is irresponsible to leave the burden such as unsolved problem of nuclear waste onto next generation. Now is the time to aware of the problems and to make active participations in the society for our children's future. With their art works and activities, articulating artists in "No Nuke Exhibition" keep sending their messages until Japanese government and the entire world withdraw the use of nuclear power.
In whatever the manner or method it may be, now is the time for us to stand up and act in accordance with our consciences.
2012年3月11日 ニューヨークにて
Keiko Koshimitsu / Artist
2012/03/11, New York