Project: Split and Merge Pixels Bit by Bit
Wheat Field with Cypresses Ver3
Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Artist: Kenji Kojima, 2023

Wheat Field with Cypresses Ver3 English (No-Subtitle)

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Play: Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3" French Subtitle        
Play: Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3" English No-Subtitle

Google Translate: English, Japanese, French, Chinese. Spanish.
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NFT Art is a financial product. Let digital art multiply infinitely. This video can be shared for free. You can donate any amount to the artist if you approve of the video as art. Even if you disapprove, you can keep it. But it has no artistic value, as you have decided. To overflow with the limit of the desire to own a work of art. However, the individual appreciates art as art, and art does not exist just by possessing it.

Ultimately, if you can appreciate it as art,
it has artistic value even if you don't own it, or even if you do own it.

Download (1920 x 1080, 3:57)
"Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3" French Subtitle
Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3_1080.mp4, 101.5MB

Download (1920 x 1080, 3:57)
"Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3" English
Wheat Field with Cypresses-Ver3En_1080.mp4, 101.6MB

The artwork video can be shared for free.
You can donate to the artist if you approve of the copied video as art.
Even people who disapprove of art can have a copy.
But it has no artistic value as they decided.

Other "Bitwise Splitting and Merging of Pixels" Projects

Project Application: Developed by Kenji Kojima

This app is not distributed.

Hide: Japanese / 日本語

        正方形の色彩パターンは、ゲルハルト・リヒターの「Series of Color Chart」やエルズワース・ケリーの「Spectrum Colors Arranged by Chance」と同じような印象を受けるかもしれません。 彼らのアイデアは共に、絵の具という物質で絵を描くことから生まれました。 フランスの後期印象派のジョルジュ・スーラは、キャンバス上で物理的にではなく、鑑賞する人が視覚的で色を混合することを考えました。
        このプロジェクトはビット演算(コンピュータのデータをビット単位で論理演算)を使って、最も基本的なデジタル・マテリアルであるバイナリからできている色彩を、直接「ワンタイムパッド」と呼ばれる暗号化技術を使って操作します。 デジタル ・カラー画像のピクセルには、光の3原色である赤、緑、青が含まれています。プロジェクトのアルゴリズムは、乱数でピクセルをバイナリ・レベルで分割し、2つのモザイク画像を作ります。モザイクには、オリジナル画像の半分づつの暗号化された視覚情報が含まれています。またアルゴリズムはピクセルのカラー値を音符に変換して演奏します。次に2つのモザイク・データを元の画像に融合させ、ピクセルのカラー値を音符に変換して再生します。プロジェクトは段階を追って発展し、ゴッホの糸杉は現実世界とのつながりを考えてみました。

Hide: Japanese / 日本語

            Artist Kenji Kojima believes that NFT Art is not art, but a financial product. Let digital art multiply infinitely. This video can be shared for free. You can donate any amount to the artist if you approve of this video as art. Even if you disapprove, you can keep it. But it has no artistic value, as you have decided. To overflow with the limit of the desire to own a work of art. However, the individual appreciates art as art, and art does not exist just by possessing it.
            Kenji Kojima envisions the binary as the fundamental material for its construction, eschewing the collection of banal art forms in AI. What artists can do now is not to collect past data with AI, but to create data that AI cannot collect. One of them is to make binaries the most fundamental art material. To this day, all forms of media are expressed in the binaries. He thought about the possibility of exchanging or transforming their data into alternative forms. When we represent these media in digital works, we inevitably return to the realm of binaries. Kenji Kojima visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York this summer and came across the inspiration.
            This project explores the manipulation of pixel colors. Given a very large number of pixels in an image, the artist opted to convert the image into a mosaic format for ease in the production process. The resulting mosaic of colored squares may recall an aesthetic similar to Gerhard Richter's "Series of Color Chart" paintings from the early 1970s and others. Their concepts were inspired by mixed physical tube colors. This project, however, draws inspiration from Georges Seurat, the French Post-Impressionist painter who sought to engage the viewer's eye by optically blending colors. Following Seurat's idea, this project merges two binary color elements into a digital color blend.
            This project focuses on manipulating the colors of binary data, the primary digital material conducted by bitwise operations. The project's algorithm, which uses bitwise XOR operations with random numbers, splits the original image data into two mosaics using an encryption technique known as a one-time pad. Kojima, an artist, is based on the idea that the outside world is like a code and that human senses decipher and feel it. Conceptually, the resulting pair of mosaic images can be compared to a cipher and a key. Each mosaic image contains half of the visual information present in the original image. The project video shows first the merging of the two mosaic data sets back into the original image, and then the splitting of the original image. It also uses Kenji Kojima's RGB Music method to convert pixel color values into music.

Show: Kenji Kojima's Biography
Hide: Kenji Kojima's Biography
            Kenji Kojima is a digital artist. He has been experimenting with the relationships between perception and cognition, technology, music, and visual art since the early 1990s. Primarily he has interested in the relationship between seeing and hearing. He was born in Japan and moved to New York in 1980. He painted egg tempera paintings that were medieval art materials and techniques for the first 10 years in New York City. His paintings were collected by Citibank, Hess Oil, and others. The personal computer improved rapidly during the 1980s. He felt more comfortable with computer art than paintings. He switched His artwork to digital in the early 1990s. His early digital works were archived in the New Museum - Rhizome, New York. He developed the computer software "RGB MusicLab" in 2007 and created an interdisciplinary work exploring the relationship between images and music. He programmed the software “Luce” for the “Techno Synesthesia” project in 2014. His digital art series was exhibited in New York, at media art festivals worldwide, including Europe, Brazil, and Asia, and the online exhibitions by ACM SIGGRAPH and FILE, etc. Anti-nuclear artwork “Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011” was collected in CTF Collective Trauma Film Collections / ArtvideoKoeln in 2015. After Covid-19, he could not go out to shoot a video. In 2021, he started the new series "The Musical Interpretation of Paintings", which creates music from classic image data. LiveCode programmer. Kenji Kojima Resume

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Credit must be given to the creator

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Please Support Kenji Kojima's Artworks.

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