Original version by Kenji Kojima in 2011. The 2015 version by Kenji Kojima, Duration: 01:01:37, Translation to English by Google Translate. "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was a part of ART PROJECT 2011 "RGB Music News".
Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011 / Kenji Kojima from March 11 to March 31, 2011, 01:01:37
"Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" is Techno-Synesthesia. It is experimenting with the relationships between perception and cognition, technology, music, and visual art. The video soundtrack was composed from RGB color data of online photographs of the international press related to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. The composition was a distillation of Kenji Kojima's earlier internet project “RGB Music News”. The project covered the news cycle worldwide with 5,016 musical sequences and their corresponding news stills for the entire year of 2011. The internet press sites were “The New York Times”, “The Guardian”, “Spiegel Online”, “El Pa is”, and “Lu Monde”. The music was composed by the software "RGB Music News Composer" which was programmed by the artist. It converted RGB color data of photographs into musical notes. The artwork of "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" is a video. The video plays 66 music with the photographs, the headlines of the press, the carried dates with the press names, the binary data, and the color mapping in the RGB color space of the musical notes.
The original "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was an interactive application. However, the photos on the Internet press pages were not linked to the press pages daily. Therefore, it was transformed into a video work.