画像を読む 10

画像データを macOSのスピーチ機能で読むプログラムを書いています。前ページでも書いたように、開発の大体の方向はありますが、最終的な形を現在考えている訳ではありません。制作ノートと思って読んでください。誰かの役に立つようにスクリプトを公開しています。



command snapshotVideo 
   export snapshot from rect globalLoc(the topLeft of player "tVideo"), \
         globalLoc(the bottomRight of player "tVideo") to file theFolderPath() & "/snap/videoSnap.jpg" as JPEG
   -- コマンド「makeMosaic」を書き加える
end snapshotVideo

command makeMosaic  
   -- セカンド・ウインドウを開いた時と閉じた時でスタック名を変える
   -- openstacks()の中にスタック「LWd」があればスタック名は「LWd」
   if "LWd" is among the lines of openstacks() then 
      put "LWd" into tStackName
      put "videoStudy" into tStackName
   end if
   -- モザイクの作成は「02. モザイク」を参照
   put the rect of image "tImage" of stack tStackName into tRectImage
   put the width of image "tImage" of stack tStackName into tWidth
   put the height of image "tImage" of stack tStackName into tHeight
   set the rect of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName to tRectImage 
   set the text of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName to url ("binfile:" & theFolderPath() & "/snap/videoSnap.jpg")   
   put  (the thumbpos of sb "mosaicBar" / 100) into tPercent
   set the width of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName to tWidth * tPercent
   set the height of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName to tHeight * tPercent
   set the width of image "tImage" of stack tStackName to the width of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName 
   set the height of image "tImage" of stack tStackName to the height of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName 
   set the imagedata of image "tImage" of stack tStackName to the imagedata of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName 
   set the rect of image "tImage" of stack tStackName to tRectImage
   set the loc of image "tImageS" of stack tStackName to the loc of image "tImage" of stack tStackName 
end makeMosaic


「Open 2nd Window」ボタンに書き込む
on mouseUp
   -- スタック"videoStudy" の左右 640
   -- スタック "videoStudy" の天地 360
   -- 写真の比率 800:450, 1600:900, 16:9
   set the hilite of btn "fullScreen" to false
   if the hilite of me then
      set the height of stack "LWd" to 360   
      set the width of stack "LWd" to 360 * 16 /9  
      set the loc of stack "LWd" to item 3 of the rect of stack  \
            "VideoStudy" + the width of stack "LWd" /2 + 10, item 2 of the loc of stack "VideoStudy"
      set the rect of image "tImage" of stack "LWd" to the rect of cd 1 of stack "LWd"
      set the text of image "tImage" of stack "LWd" to  \
            the imageData of image "tImage" of stack "videoStudy"
      open stack "LWd"
      close stack "LWd"
   end if
end mouseUp

「Full Screen on 2nd Monitor」ボタンに書き込む
on mouseUp
   if the hilite of me is true then
      if the hilite of btn "open2nd" is false then
         set the hilite of btn "open2nd" to true
      end if
      -- 2ndディスプレイにフルスクリーンで開く
      set the rect of stack "LWd" to line 2 of the screenrects
      set the rect of image "tImage" of stack "LWd" to the rect of cd 1 of stack "LWd"
      exit to top
      -- ウインドウ・サイズを小さくする
      set the height of stack "LWd" to 360   
      set the width of stack "LWd" to 360 * 16 /9 
      set the loc of stack "LWd" to item 3 of the rect of stack "VideoStudy" + the width of stack "LWd" /2 + 10 , \
            item 2 of the loc of stack "VideoStudy"
      set the rect of image "tImage" of stack "LWd" to the rect of cd 1 of stack "LWd"
   end if
end mouseUp



アーチスト:小島健治 / Artist: Kenji Kojima



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LiveCode 6 初心者開発入門