能の舞が時空間に創り出す明暗から取り出される音楽 演者:万葉 メディア&プログラミング:小島健治

Pre-Project: Light Shade Time Space / Composition by Noh Performance
The project began in 2014. This experimental performance explores music created from the phenomena surrounding the performer. The performer not only performs the dance but creates the music through her motions. The dance technique is based on the Japanese Noh theater. Noh is a classical Japanese mask drama with dance and music performed since the 14th century. The traditional Noh involves intense music by four instrumental players. The instruments are a bamboo flute and three different tones of drums. In this project, video music was composed of digital data based on brightness by a computer algorithm. The computer program reads digital data from 84 separate grids of video images. The program compares each grid in seconds. It converts the largest grid data to musical notes and plays the notes with electronic musical instruments. The video shows binaries in white squares that indicate the spatial position of the musical source, and the binaries are equal values to musical notes. The traditional Noh requires highly trained performers and musicians. The expression is very slow and mostly quiet. Emotions are conveyed by stylized gestures and sounds of instruments. The gestures and music have a strong sense of unity. A Noh player carries forward the mind first before moving, which is invisible on the stage. Then the actual body follows after that and the trace of the mind is behind the body. The video expresses not only the performer’s visible movement but also her internal consciousness and attitudes through multiple image layers with the algorithmic music.