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Synesthesia digital media technology contemporary art inovation デジタル メディア アート 現代美術 テクノロジー イノベーション 共感覚

Introduction and News    About Kenji Kojima / Kenji Kojima Resume / 小島健治デジタルアートワークス / シナステージア(共感覚)のアート

Techno Synesthesia:
Kenji Kojima has been experimenting with the relationships between perception and cognition, technology, music and visual art since early 90's in New York City. Born in Japan, moved to New York in 1980. He painted contemporary egg tempera paintings for the first 10 years in New York. An egg tempera painting was Byzantine and early Renaissance art materials and techniques. His egg tempera paintings were collected by Citibank, Hess Oil, and others. A personal computer was improved during the 80's rapidly. Little by little, he felt more possibility to a digital art than paintings. Around 1990 he switched his artworks to digital. His digital works in 20 century were archived in the New Museum - Rhizome, New York. RGB Music Project creates a music from color data of a photograph by computer programming. It is not a usual visual music which is made by author's feeling. If you are the first time visitor, please see "RGB values into Music (Mona Lisa)"
or RGB MusicLab Subway Synesthesia Video". RGB MusicLab is a downloadable application for MacOS and Windows which put together the programming studies by Kojima. The latest fountain video series are trying to convert moving image data to a music. Kojima's Techno Synesthesia series exhibited in New York, and media art festivals worldwide, including Europe, Brazil and online art exhibitions (FILE 2010, ACM SIGGRAPH 2015).

小島健治はコンピューターを使用した、知覚・認識・時間の関連を探求するアートを、90年代始めからニューヨーク市で続けています。ニューヨークに来た1980年からほぼ10年間は、ビザンチンから初期ルネッサンスの技法エッグ・テンペラで現代絵画を描き、シティバンク、ヘス石油等のコレクションになりました。その頃コンピュータは急速な発展を遂げ、90年代始めからデジタルにアートの可能性をより感じてスイッチしました。20世紀の主なデジタル作品は、ニューヨーク市ニューミュージアム Rhizome にアーカイブとして保存されています。RGBミュージックは2007年にスタートした、イメージのカラーデータをアルゴリズムで音楽に変換するプロジェクトです。これは感覚で作られたビジュアル・ミュージックではなく、コンピュータを使った確実なデータに基づいた視覚と聴覚の境界を越えようとするアートです。RGB Music が初めての方は「RGB values into Music (Mona Lisa)」 または 「
RGB MusicLab Subway Synesthesia Video 」をご覧ください。「RGB MusicLab」はテクノ共感覚プロジェクトのプログラミングを纏めた、MacOSとWindowsのアプリケーションがダウンロードできます。球体の座標から作った音楽「String Trio Sphere Random Points」。最新の「Fountain」ビデオ・シリーズでは、ビデオ画像の音楽変換を試みています。テクノ共感覚シリーズは、ニューヨーク市の個展、ヨーロッパ各国・ブラジル等のメディア・フェスティバル、ACMシーグラフ2015(米国コンピュータ学会CG部会)のオンライン・エキジビション等に参加しています。

News & Recent Activities: 2016 - 2015

August, 2016
Added new projects and a short Japanese explanation into video series of "Techno Synesthesia". The Sound of Fountain, The Sound of Archway, The Sound of New York City Subway and Others.

July, 2016
Fixed "Save the Bees (411 photos so far)" slideshow.
不具合が発生していた"Save the Bees (現在の写真数411)" のスライドショーを修復しました。

FILE SÃO PAULO 2016 / July 11 - August 28, 2016 PDF Catalog Download
"The Sound of Fountain at Lincoln Center" has been selected to be presented in FILE Media Art, which will be part of FILE 2016 - Electronic Language International Festival. The exhibition will be held from July 11 to August 28 at Fiesp Cultural Center - Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
ブラジルのサンパウロで7月11日から8月28日に開催されるメディア・アート・フェスティバル「FILE 2016」に、"The Sound of Fountain at Lincoln Center" が参加します。エキジビション・カタログ ダウンロード PDF

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016, dusk-10:00 PM

Video art "相舞 [I-MY]" was projected onto the Manhattan Bridge. The Public Art of "Light Year 14" in DUMBO, Brooklyn, New York.
マンハッタン・ブリッジの橋桁に巨大プロジェクションする「Light Year 14」で、ビデオアートの「相舞 [I-MY]」が投影されました。 2016年6月2日

June, 2016
コーディング・アニメ入門チュートリアル 1行ごとに何をやっているか確認しながらコードを書く (Coding Tutorial in Japanese)

May, 2016
シナステージアのアートについて about the Art of Synesthesia / Techno Synesthesia (Japanese writing)

February 26 - 28, 2016
Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" in “Never More! Hiroshima- Fukushima Collective Trauma Film Collections” Carnival of E-Creative, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
インドのメーガーラヤ州シロンのノースイースタン大学で開催された「CeC 2016」で「コンポジション福島2011」が公開されました。

December, 2015
"Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was selected in the part of "CTF Collective Trauma Film Collections/artvideo KOELN".

September, 2015
Kenji Kojima's work "The Sound of Snow Park" is at "ESPACIO ENTER 2015" that is the Festival of Art, Science, Technology, Innovation and the Society in Tenerife, Canary Islands. The festival opens from December 3th to 10th, 2015
カナリア諸島テネリフェで行われるアート・サイエンス・テクノロジー・イノベーションのフェスティバルESPACIO ENTER 2015
小島健治の作品The Sound of Snow Parkが選ばれました。フェスティバルは2015年12月3日〜10日まで開催されます。

September 12 - October 2, 2015
"RGB Music Series" at WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center) 135 Broadway, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY

May 2015

The first online video exhibition by the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. RGB Music "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was selected for 2015 online art exhibition "Enhanced Vision – Digital Video" of ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community.
RGBミュージック「コンポジション福島2011」が、ACM SIGGRAPH(アメリカ・コンピュータ学会アート部会)で初めて開催するオンライン・アート・エキジビション「ENHANCED VISION – DIGITAL VIDEO」に選ばれました。

Recent Develpments 

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June 2016 -
PROJECT "The Sound of Archway"

PROJECT "The Sound of Archway"

Greywacke Arch, Central Park, New York / 05:30
Techno Synesthesia Project realizes the Art of Synesthesia by computer technologies. The music was created from visual data by a computer algorithm.

Sunday April 24, 2016 on the Earth / 08:20
It was two days after the Earth Day 2016 in Central Park, New York.
Video and Music by Kenji Kojima.

August 2015 -
PROJECT "The Sound of Fountain"

PROJECT "The Sound of Fountain"

The software programmed by Kenji Kojima captured and compared the brightness data of 84 divided image areas then the two largest different data were converted to musical notes and played computer instruments. SO far the project created 9 fountains.
小島のプログラムしたソフトウエアが84のグリッドに分割したビデオ画面の明暗のデータを採取し、前の画面との違いの大きな2箇所のデータを音符に変換して演奏し、ビデオ撮影時の環境音に重ねます。現在プロジェクトには、9つのファウンテンが作られています。ブラジルのサンパウロで2016年7月11日から8月28日に開催された、メディア・アート・フェスティバル「FILE 2016」に参加。

May 2015 -
相舞 [I-MY] Collaboration with Noh Performer "Miwa Yamaguchi"
能の舞が時空間に創り出す明暗から取り出される音楽 演者:万葉

Studies: 01,03,04
The project explored a music from Light and Shade by performance. The performer played not only the dance, but she produced the keys of music by her motions. The performance was based on Japanese Noh that was a classical masked drama with dance and music. The video music was an algorithmic composition. The computer program read video data of light and shade which were changed by the performer's movements, and converted them to a music. The video expressed that Noh player's mind carried out first then the actual body followed, and the trace of mind was behind the body.

March 2015
The Snow Park / Algorithmic Composition

"The Sound of Snow Park" is at "ESPACIO ENTER 2015" that is the Festival of Art, Science, Technology, Innovation and the Society in Tenerife, Canary Islands. The festival opens from December 3th to 10th, 2015. The program captured and compared the brightness data of 84 divided image areas in every 4 seconds then the two largest different data were converted to musical notes and played.

カナリア諸島テネリフェで行われるアート・サイエンス・テクノロジー・イノベーションのフェスティバル「ESPACIO ENTER 2015」に「The Sound of Snow Park」が選ばれました。フェスティバルは2015年12月3日〜10日まで開催されます。 プログラムは4秒ごとに、84のグリッドに分割したビデオ画面の明暗のデータを採取し、前の画面との違いの大きな2箇所のデータを音符に変換して演奏します。

March 2015
Haiku Programming Studies (Japanese)

February 2015
Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011 Video Document
コンポジション福島2011 ビデオ・ドキュメント

January 2015
LCMIDI Pi / Coding MIDI Music Application for Raspberry Pi (Free)
LCMIDI Pi / ラズベリーパイでMIDI音楽をコーディングするアプリ(無料)

Programming Tutorial (Japaese): LiveCode 7 on a Credit Card-sized Computer "Raspberry Pi"
プログラミング・チュートリアル(日本語):LiveCode 7 プログラミングを「ラズベリー・パイ」で!

無料の「LiveCode 7」を安価&小型コンピューター「ラズベリー・パイ」で動かす

December 2014
Make Your Favorite Photo Calendar.

November 2014
RGBMusic News MIDI Player App.(MacOS only) updated
Recent QuickTime plug-in of Web browser can not play a midi music. The player has a Web browser function and can play a midi music.
RGBMusic ニュースのMIDI演奏プレイヤー・アプリ(MacOSのみ) アップデート

The Gentle Sway of the Lights / 微かな光の揺らぎ
Algorithmic Composition Studies

Current version of Application "Luce" Dp.10, Studies 01 - 12
The program "Luce" captures changing lights of 48 divided image areas through a videocam then converts RGB data of the highest three different values of areas to musical notes. The picture looks like a still image, but the lights that human eyes can not recognize differences are changing very slightly in every second. The program sets the maximum different value of the light and the sequence interval. The program name "Luce" referred the Scriabin's "Prometheus" which score included lighting part "Luce". I am thinking that the program will be used for an installation in empty spaces like hall, and/or for a performance art.

Slide show: Bee in Central Park The photographs were used for "Split/Merge AudioVisual".
"Save the Bees" Calendar updated and Added until the year of 2020.

LiveCodeプログラミング初心者開発入門(日本語) 日常英語のような誰もが読んで分かるプログラミング。
日常英語のようなコンピュータ言語。無料開発ツールは MacOS、Windows、Linux、Webサーバーのプログラミングが可能。
LiveCode Programming Japanese Tutorial for beginners

Cipher Art:

Split/Merge AudioVisual

This project splits an image to audio and visual files. The two files mege into the original image with showing the color pixels and playing the music. A full screen player for Mac OS "Merge AudioVisual Player 06".
日本語版3分説明ビデオ(Japanese 3 minutes video)

Technical Note of "Split/Merge AudioVisual" テクニカル・ノート
April, 2014
This is a part of project "Split/Merge AudioVisual".
When we treat computer files in binary, there is no borders. You can split and merge them.

Split/Merge AudioVisual: Bee_1380418994
Watch Video (original work is not a video)

Split/Merge AudioVisual: Bee_1380587313
Watch Video (original work is not a video)

Split/Merge AudioVisual: Bee_1381080098
Watch Video (original work is not a video)

Algorithmic Composition "CipherTune / 暗号音楽" DIY Algorithmic Composition / Image Reversible Music.
An encrypted text or a photograph is converted to a MIDI music file, the music file can be decrypted to originals. "CipherTune" was in The International Festival of Art, Science, Innovation and Digital Culture opens at Tenerife of the Canary Islands in November, 2013.
アルゴリズム作曲「CipherTune / 暗号音楽」イメージを暗号化して音楽に変換、音楽をイメージに復号。 作品はカナリー諸島テネリフェで行われたアート、サイエンス、デジタル・カルチャーのフェスティバル「ESPACIO ENTER 2013」に選出されました。

RGB values of a news photograph are converted to a music by algorithm.
It was one year project from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
Total music archives were 5,016.
The musics were created from the image data of 5 Internet News Site's Photographs.
The New York Times | The Guardian | Spiegel Online | El País | Le Monde

Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011 March Video Edition 2014 (with translation) 01:01:33
It was selected to be presented in Media Art Festival "FILE Hypersonica 2012", Sao Paulo, Brazil. Kenji Kojima (page83)
The musics of "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" selected photographs from RGB Music News which related
with the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
ニュース・サイト:The New York Times | The Guardian | Spiegel Online | El País | Le Monde

Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011 March Digest 25:14

The video shows binary data (00000000 to 11111111) of RGB colors and musical notes. The revolving cube is the mapping of colors in RGB color space. One of the bottom corners of RGB color cube is 0,0,0 (black). The top corners on a diagonal is 255,255,255 (white). The points are RGB color values in the cube. The line ties points by the order of the musical notes. The actual work is MacOS application.

Software Development since 2007
RGB MusicLab

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Go to Desktop Application "RGB MusicLab"

RGB Music Recipe (PDF): How to create a music from an image.

RGB MusicLab Subway Synesthesia Video
If you do not want to install a plugin, please see this exhibition version video.
Web app version does not run an animation data.

RGB Music RENGA Series Video Sample:
They were Web applictions used a plugin, however the pluging did not work on the latest browsers.

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RGB Music were created from image date of photographs.
This video was created using Web application "RGB Music RENGA: New York City Subway" and "RGB Music RENGA Player".

RGB Music were created from image date of photographs.
RGB Music RENGA / Four Seasons: Skyscrapers from Great Lawn in Central Park, New York City

RGB Music Early Project: 2007 - 2008

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RGB Music Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa Smile Red / Video Sample 4:07

RGB Music Project:
RGB Music is converted RGB values of an image into music.

XYZ Music: String Trio Sphere Random Points / video sample

XYZ Music: Cone / video sample

XYZ Music: Spiral Cylinder / video sample

The application does not work since 2015, because the original data of US Naval Observatory Date was changed.
JIKANKEI displays angles of the SUN and local times of cities and places on the Earth. Sunrise and sunset data are taken from US Naval Observatory Date Services through Internet. The latest version shows Sun directions and FUJYO JIHOU (gradually changing time) that is before Westernized Japanese Clock System.

Longitude and Latitude Map for JIKANKEI

You can get them by a cllick on the map. If you know the adrress, type it. Longitute and Latitude are used for custom settings in JIKANKEI. The map is used Google MAPS.

Photographs and Calendar:

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Your favorite Photo Calendar:
You can make and print your favorite web photo calendar. Drag & drop a web photo into "1) Put Favorite Photo URL:" and select the year and the month.
あなたの好きな写真でカレンダーが作れます。 ウェブの写真を「1) Put Favorite Photo URL:」にドラッグ&ドロップ、カレンダーの年月を選びます。

Free 2016 Calendar "Save the Bees" PDF files. US Holidays and Japanese Holidays files.
2016年カレンダー無料「Save the Bees」PDFファイル。日本の休日版、アメリカの休日版があります。

Free 2015 Calendar "Save the Bees" PDF files. US Holidays and Japanese Holidays files.
2015年カレンダー無料「Save the Bees」PDFファイル。日本の休日版、アメリカの休日版があります。

Bees in Central Park / Photographs Slide Show 2013 - 2014
Interactive Bees Calendar 2011 - 2020

FOUR SEASONS: The Botany of Central Park 2012

The Botany Photographs + Printable Calendar

3.11 9999 Years Calendar / 3.11 9999年カレンダー
Another title is "Into Eternity" 

Bees in Central Park Slide Show

Small Images / Large Images


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February 26 - 28, 2016
"Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" in “Never More! Hiroshima- Fukushima Collective Trauma Film Collections” Carnival of E-Creative, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India

July - August, 2016
"The Sound of Fountain at Lincoln Center, New York" was selected to be presented in FILE Media Art, which will be part of FILE 2016 - Electronic Language International Festival at Fiesp Cultural Center - Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

December 3th - 10th, 2015
"The Sound of Snow Park" at "ESPACIO ENTER 2015"
The Festival of Art, Science, Technology, Innovation and the Society in Tenerife, Canary Islands.

September 12 - October 2, 2015
"RGB Music Series" at WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center) 135 Broadway, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY

May, 2015
"Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was selected in "Enhanced Vision – Digital Video" of ACM SIGGRAPH.
The first online video exhibition of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community.

September, 2014
The Selfie Show / An Art Exhibition of Self-Portraits at MONA (Museum of New Art), Detroit, MI

September, 2014
10th Cologne International Videoart Festival "Alienated Memory"

10 minutes edition "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was selected.

August 30, 2014
"BRAVE NEW WORLD" Videoart Festival in Berlin-Mitte.

10 minutes edition "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" was selected

July 2014
Webbienial 2014 of Istanbul contemporary Museum.

"Bee in Central Park Photograps Calendar" was selected. Exhibition Thema was "Bliss".

June 12 - July 12, 2014
Solo Exhibition "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011" at MediaNoche in New York City

The opening view video by Sanae Maeda Buck. The musics were created from news photographs on the net by algorithim.

December 2013
Software Art "CipherTune" was at ESPACIO ENTER 2013.

ESPACIO ENTER was the International Festival of Art Science Innovation and Digital Culture. It opened at Tenerife of the Canary Islands.

October 2012 -
Web Biennial 2012 Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum

FILE SP 2012 Hypersonica Sao Paulo, Brazil from July 16th until August 19th, 2012.
Exhibits "Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011"

FILE RIO 2012 as part of FILE Media Art category in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from Apr 10 to May 13, 2012.
Exhibited Web Art Project "RGB Music News"

FILE MEDIA ART 2011: Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica, São Paulo, Brazil
Exhibited Web Art Project "RGB Music News"

FILE PRIX LUX 2010: Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica, São Paulo, Brazil
Nominated Kenji Kojima's algorithmic composition
"RGB Music RENGA: 999 Views of Skyscrapers from Great Lawn in Central Park, New York City" has being nominees to be electronic sonority category of the final Jury selection. FILE PRIX LUX is the International Art and Technology prize offered in São Paulo, Brazil by FILE electronic language international festival.

Digital Art Festival in Brazil (Belo Horizonte)
FAD (FESTIVAL DE ARTE DIGITAL) translation Exhibition: September 10 - 18, 2010
Webart: September 6-12, 2010 Quina Gallery (Ed. Bag, 2nd Floor - Centro - Belo Horizonte)

Exhibited work "RGB Music RENGA: New York City Subway by Kenji Kojima"

March 19th, 20th, 2010
PROCESS Festival Ausland, Berlin, Germany

PROCESS is a 2 day festival focusing on the sound of systems. Terms like 'process-driven' and 'generative' are expanded to include live performances based on breath, a train-yard video that generates rhythms dynamically, and a large metal 'drop machine' which emulates electronics, with no electronics. The programme features two evenings of live performances and new-media works, a workshop and a special internet commission, and takes place on March 19 and 20 at Ausland, an iconic venue situated in the heart of Prenzlauerberg, Berlin.

Sound Installation "RGB Music RENGA" is an algorithmic composition. It improvises music at the installation place.

July 2009
Musiques Electroacoustiques et Arts Electroniques, Catégorie : tendance Netart

Kenji Kojima had been selected in Part Electronic Arts - Section II -
Category New practices of Netart of the 36th Bourges InternationalCompetitions Electroacoustic Music and Electronic Art 2009 for his piece "Subway Synesthesia". July, 2009

May 18 - 22, 2009
Sound Installation “Subway Synesthesia” in RE-NEW 2009 Digital Art Festival
Huset i Magstræde, Copenhagen, Denmark

Short video version of "Subway Synesthesia (includes 02-01-02)".
The original is not a video work.
"Subway Synesthesia" is a software art, includes 10 musics and NYC Subway photographs.

Nov. 6 - Dec.13, 2008
Subway Synesthesia / Kenji Kojima,
AC[Direct], Chelsea, New York City

Sound Installation of RGB Music and Photographs
It is not an impression of a photograph of a musical variation. It composes a score from an image directly.

AC [ Direct ] 547 W. 27th St, #519 New York, NY 10001
Press release English

Installation View with RGB Music

WEB ART: 1996 - 2002
Project clones were preserved by at the New Museum 1, 2

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Project Throwing Stones: the Movie

A Tender Attempt to Accomplish Something Possible in This Impossible

Project Throwing Stones: Interactive Web Art
into primeval
onto the moon
into a pond

Other TIME Works

It Feels Like Time Have Changed...
A Silence of Cicadas
Walk of Seconds / on Grass / on Earth
273+- Part: 0 (after John Cage)

Is the Production of Garbage Materials in the 21st Century, still Art? / Project 1996 - 2001

Project clones were preserved by at the New Museum

Heavy Material / Light Material

Interactive Web Art by Kenji Kojima / Collection 1 (682K)
Includes: Listen the Blocks, Eczema, Fission, TOY

Interactive Web Art by Kenji Kojima / Collection 2 (821K)
Includes: Virtual/Physical, What's Done, Bugs, Sphere &Cube

Interactive Web Art by Kenji Kojima / Collection 3 (814K)
Includes: Ripples, Stone C/C/u/o/b/n/e/e, Been Done, Cylinders

Interactive Web Art by Kenji Kojima / Collection 4 (1453K)
Includes: SSHPERES, Into The Mirror, Ring, Trail & Perspective

Interactive Web Art by Kenji Kojima / Collection Mirror (1208K)
Includes: Into The Mirror Cylinder, Into The Mirror, Into The Mirror 45D


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LiveCode コーディング・アニメ入門チュートリアル(日本語)
日常英語のようなプログラミング言語で 1行ごとに何をやっているか確認しながらコードを書く

LiveCode 7 プログラミングをラズベリー・パイで!
無料の「LiveCode 7」を 超安価&超小型コンピューター「ラズベリー・パイ」で動かす

Study Note: Japanese
LiveCode CGI Basic

RGB-Hex Converter