function mosaicArray
--// image "tImageS" のイメージデータ・アレイ //--
put the width of image "tImageS" of stack "navWd" into tWidth
put the height of image "tImageS" of stack "navWd" into tHeight
get the imagedata of image "tImageS" of stack "navWd"
repeat with i=1 to the num of chars of it step 4
if (i+3) mod (tWidth * 4) = 0 then
put charToNum(char i+1 of it), charToNum(char i+2 of it),charToNum(char i+3 of it) & cr after mosaicArray
put charToNum(char i+1 of it), charToNum(char i+2 of it),charToNum(char i+3 of it) & tab after mosaicArray
end if
end repeat
return mosaicArray
end mosaicArray