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Cipher Art: Digital Art Experiment the Relation between Visual and Audio Senses / Algorithmic Composition
Split/Merge AudioVisual. Audio and Visual files merged into an image.
Human senses divide the information surrounding the external world by the functions of sense organs and realize it as the real world.
Two typical types of perceptions are visual and auditory. And generally skin sensation, smell, and taste.
Artist Kenji Kojima thinks that there is something in common between the method of recognizing the outside world
and the method of deciphering the code.

その他一般的に皮膚感覚、嗅覚、味覚等に分類されます。アーチストの小島健治は、外界を感知する方法と暗号を解読する方法に、 何か共通なものがあると考えています。

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The original artwork is a computer application, not a video. Technical Note 1, 2, 3, Bitwise Operation(Japanese Note)/論理演算ノート(日本語)

4万年前に洞窟絵画を描いたアーチストは、色彩の土という絵画材料に出会いました。現代のアーチストは、コンピュータで扱うバイナリーというアートの素材に出会いました。彼らは0と1を操作することによって、視覚と聴覚の境界を超えた表現ができる事を知りました。画家のワシリー・カンデンスキーや、作曲家のアレキサンダー・スクリアビン等、現代美術史上何人かのアーティストは視覚と聴覚の境界越えようと試みたことがあります。小島健治による「Split / Merge AudioVisual」は、彼らのコンセプトの延長上にあります。


復号化:プロジェクト「Split / Merge AudioVisual」は、元の写真に戻すための視覚の経過を見せながら、音楽を演奏するプレイヤーを用意しています。暗号の作成はアーチスト自身の領域(制作)で、プレイヤーで見せる状態がアートワークと言えます。プレイヤーはアーチストのサーバーに置かれた暗号と暗号鍵のファイルをプレイヤーにダウンロードして、音楽を聴きながら元のイメージに戻る経過を見ることができます。つまりインターネットを通して地球上のどこでもアートワークを見て楽しむことができます。

Binaries in electronics is one of art materials in 21st century. Cave artists encountered earth as color pigments 40,000 years ago, and they created cave paintings. 20th century artists encountered binaries. They were aware art expressions would be beyond the boundaries of audio and visual senses by manipulating zeros and ones. Some artists in the modern art history like a painter Wassily Kandinsky, a composer Alexander Scriabin and others tried to go beyond the the boundaries of audios and visuals. The project "Split/Merge AudioVisual" has been on the extension of their works. It processes a bitwise XOR operation on data of a photograph, and makes two same length of data. This method is called one time pad. The two data are converted to a music and a color pixel files. The software "SplitAudiVisual" makes an audio and a visual files using the method of one time pad. It converts one of data to a music file by RGB color values, and another data to a mosaic pattern. The project player "MergeAudioVisual" downloads a music and a color pixel files from the artist's server, and performs merging audio and visual files into an original photograph. You can see and enjoy the art works anywhere on the earth through the internet.

Download Full Screen Player "MergeAudioVisual" MacOS Only
This application has only player function, does not split audio and visual of an image.
PayPal: Please Support Kenji Kojima' Artwork. (20140723)

The software splits a digital image to audio and visual files by a bitwise XOR operation (logical exclusive OR). The bitwise operation takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs exclusive OR on each pair of corresponding bits. The software makes random numbers. It is same numbers of pixels of the original image. A binary of the random number performs on a binary of the image by bitwise XOR. Bitwise XOR makes 0 and 0 to 0, 0 and 1 to 1, 1 and 1 to 0. But the position of the decimal does not change. If a binary of one pixel element is 10010011 and random number is 00100001, the result will be 10110010. See the example of 8 bits binary. It is same length of a color data element.

10010011 (original image)
00100001 (random number)

10110010 (the result)

Audio and Visual:
The software converted the random number data to musical notes by Kenji Kojima's RGB Music technology. RGB value 120 is converted to middle C. Each two step values increase or decrease a half tone. One pixel make three notes of harmony. 0,0,0 is no sounds. The note length is determined by the color value. The music is a twelve-tone music. The left sample MIDI file was created from the musical notes of the random numbers. You can listen it. The result of the image would be a new image which processed by bitwise XOR. The perception of human being could not recognize what the image was. We have 2 digital files as audio and visual. You can think that the audio is a key and the visual is a cipher image.

The software converts an audio key (music file) to musical notes then makes binary. The binary performs on the binary of cipher image (visual) by bitwise XOR. See the example.

10110010 (split image)
00100001 (split audio key)

10010011 (same binary of the original)

The audio and visual files merge into an original image.

Project File Creation Software:
Splitting Audio and Visual Files (left), Merging Files (right). This application is not distributed.

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     Go to Algorithmic Composition "CipherTune" 暗号音楽 「サイファチューン」
     NEW 2018: Web application "Cipher Project / 暗号計画" converts a plaintext to a ciphertext.

    Stuies of Split/Merge and Two Musics Merge into an Image:

    Cipher Tune Concert