Participated Art Festivals in 2022
45th AAIFF, New York on Aug.3 - 13, 2022
(Media Category is still opening online)
Asian American International Film Festival 2022
the new media category
Artist Kenji Kojima: The Great Wave / Red Fuji / Choju Jinbutsu Giga
São Paulo, Brazil on July 13 - August 28, 2022
FILE 2022 (Electronic Language International Festival)
Withering Tulips: Mystic Chord / Whole Tone Scale / Twelev Tone Scale
Toulouse, France on April 6 - 30, 2022
XXVe Rencontres Internationales Traverse
The angel Gabriel is about to tell
Traverse Video Catalogue 2022
New November 2022: Portfolio 2022 - 2021
Selected 12 artworks, Artist Statement & Project Description
English /
Project "The Musical Interpretation of Visual Data by Binary"
I have thought seeing and hearing have a relationship between them. I executed that in cross-media through computer art. After the COVID-19 pandemic, I refrained from going out for video shooting. I recall I could download public-domain images of paintings, photographs, and films from the Web site. I thought It was an opportunity to reflect on the analog art history in the digital world. All media in human history are now reduced and recorded as binary. Cave artists found earth color, and they started painting. I used binary as a fundamental art material like an earth color pigment for cave artists. The binary data can be exchanged for other sensory data. Whether it is practical and valuable for business or not. It is a different story. I am talking about art. I like binary because it is clean. The Binary is on and off. It is empty. I can have a light mind. 21-century is tremendous changes in civilization, including in the global environment. The modern world expanded too much material desire. I disagree with the vandalism of climate activists, but I feel a kind of sympathy for their stuck feelings. Since the last century, we have made too many material artworks on this earth. Museums will not be able to store too much artwork shortly. The minimum manner by artists can do is not to pollute and destroy the global environment with garbage objects named artwork. Now we must change the aesthetics and values of the modern world.
Show: Jaoanese / 日本語
Hide: Jaoanese / 日本語
私は、見ることと聞くことには、関連があると考えてきました。このプロジェクトは、コンピューター・アートとしてそれを試みています。COVID-19 パンデミックの後、私はビデオ撮影のために、外出することを控えていましたが、すぐにアートの素材として、パブリック ドメインの絵画、写真、映画等を、ウェブからダウンロードできるのに気づきました。これはデジタルの世界から、アナログアート史を振り返る良い機会でした。現在、人類史に現れたメディアは、すべてデジタルに還元され、バイナリで記録されています。洞窟のアーチストは、土の顔料を発見して絵を描き始めました。私は洞窟アーティストの顔料のように、最も基本のアートマテリアルとして、バイナリを考えています。バイナリのデータは、他の感覚データと交換ができます。それが実用的で、商業的な価値があるかどうかは、別の話です。私はアートについて話しています。バイナリは電気的なオンとオフです。物質としては空です。バイナリはクリーンで、気持ちを軽くします。21世紀は、地球環境を含めた文明の大きな変化の時代です。近代世界は、物質的欲求を拡張しすぎました。気候変動活動家の荒らし行為には、同意できませんが、彼らの行き場のない感情には、ある種の共感を覚えます。前世紀以来、私たちはこの地球上であまりにも多くの、物質的な芸術作品を作ってきました。美術館はまもなく、多すぎる現代アートを保管できなくなるでしょう。アーティストが地球にできる最低限の事は、アートワークという名前のゴミで、地球環境を汚染したり破壊したりしないことです。今私たちは現代物質世界の、美意識と価値観を変えなければなりません。
Hide: Japanese / 日本語
January 2023
Music Interpretation Paintings by Binary
Portraits with Dogs
Painting by Thomas Gainsborough
Three minutes digest
Portraits with Dogs 3 minutes digest, Painting by Thomas Gainsborough" / Duration: 3:00
January 2023
Music Interpretation Painting by Binary
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, 1750
Painting by Thomas Gainsborough
Duration 03:20
December 2022
Goldfish by Henri Matisse, 1911
data reading in French: Audrey
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 02:37
November 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
One Dollar
All Copies are Genuine
Created Music from Visual Data of One Dollar Bill
Click Open New Window with the Video "One Dollar" / Duration: 3:30

This work "One Dollar" is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Go Open Project Page: One Dollar and Others
NFTアートに違和感を感じています / メディア・アート「One Dollar」
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
Hong Kong One Cent

"Hong Kong One Cent" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Duration: 2:00
November 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
Crowd Gathers Outside
the Stock Exchange after the 1929 Crash

"Crowd Gathers Outside" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Duration: 2:40
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
Unemployed People Gathering Outside City Hall
in Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 9 1930

"Unemployed People Gathering Outside" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Duration: 2:20
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
Great Depression Soup Kitchen Opened in Chicago, 02-1931

"Great Depression Soup Kitchen" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Duration: 2:20
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
One Yen
Portrait: Ninomiya-Sontoku, First Issued in 1946, Suspended in 1958

"One Yen" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 2:40
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
The Creation of Adam
Fresco by Michelangelo, Part of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling

"The Creation of Adam" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 2:00
October 2022
I'm uncomfortable with NFT art.
Tulip Bubble Burst
Painting by Hans Bollongier 1639

"North by Northwest" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 2:30
November 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
Breathless (1960 trailer)
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard,
Starring Jean Seberg and Jean-Paul Belmondo
Created MIDI Piano from Visual Data by Kenji Kojima
Duration: 2:30
November 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
The Lady Vanishes (1938 film)
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock,
Starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave
Created MIDI Piano by Kenji Kojima
Duration: 3:40
September 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
Casablanca (1943 film) Trailer
Starring: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman
Directed by Michael Curtiz, MIDI Piano by Kenji Kojima

"Casablanca" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 3:00
September 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
North by Northwest (1959 film) Trailer
Starring: Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, MIDI Piano by Kenji Kojima

"North by Northwest" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 2:40
September 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
A Farewell to Arms (1932 film) Last 7 minutes
Starring: Helen Hayes, Gary Cooper
BGM: Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, MIDI Piano: Kenji Kojima

"North by Northwest" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Duration: 8:00
September 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
Alexander Nevsky
Battle on The Ice
Directed by Sergei Eisenstein and Dmitri Vasilyev, Music by Sergei Prokofiev
MIDI Piano by Kenji Kojima
Duration: 5:00
September 2022
The Music Interpretation of Movie by Binary
Royal Wedding
Every Night at Seven: Fred Astaire and Jane Powell
1951 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer musical comedy directed by Stanley Donen
Duration: 5:00

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
You Can Download Kenji Kojima's Online Edition Videos (Public 1280x720)
July 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Michelangelo di Rosa, The Boy in the Red Vest
Four Paintings by Paul Cézanne
Three Minutes Digest
Digest Duration: 3:00
Michelangelo di Rosa, The Boy in the Red Vest
Full Edition 13:02
The impression received from the outside world becomes music in your mind.
When you express the music on a canvas, a painting is born.
July 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Who is the Young Woman at a Table?
Painting by Paul Cézanne
Duration: 3:10
July 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Las Meninas / Painting by Diego Velázquez
Duration: 3:40
July 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Albrecht Dürer Self-Portrait with Fur-Trimmed Robe
Duration: 3:13
May 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Madonna Enthroned
Cimabue & Giotto
voice: Alice
Duration: 5:12
May 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
7 Portraits by Paul Cézanne
What Madame Cézanne was thinking.
Three Minutes Digest
Digest Duration: 3:00
What Madame Cézanne was thinking. Full Edition 14:15
1) Portrait of Madame Cézanne 1885-1887
2) Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress 1885-1887
3) Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Armchair 1888-1890
4) Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair 1888-1890
5) Portrait of Madame Cézanne 1890
6) Madame Cézanne in the Conservatory 1891
7) Madame Cézanne with Green Hat 1891
Apr. 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
Vincent van Gogh's Seven Self-Portraits
What made Van Gogh cut off his Ear. 1887-1889
Three Minutes Digest
Digest Duration: 3:00
Seven Self-Portraits 21:00 /
Three Self-Portraits 10:00
1) Self-Portrait / Spring 1887 /
2) Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat / Winter 1887-88 / 1)
3) Self-Portrait as an Artist / Early 1888 /
4) Self-Portrait (dedicated to Paul Gauguin) / September 1888 / 2)
5) Self-Portrait / 1889 /
6) Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear / January 1889 / 3)
7) Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe / January 1889 /
Apr. 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
The Effect of Cataracts on Late Years Claude Monet.
8 Paintings 1916 - 1925
3 Minutes Digest / Duration 03:00
Eight Paintings 24:15 /
Four Paintings 10:00
1) Water Lilies, Willow Reflections 1916-19
2) Water-Lily Pond and Weeping Willow 1916
3) The House among the Roses 1917-19
4) Weeping Willow 1918
5) Weeping Willow 1918
6) The Japanese Footbridge 1920-22
7) The Rose-Way in Giverny before 1922
8) Wisteria circa 1925
Mar. 2022
The Music Interpretation of Painting by Binary
It compiled 12 videos of this project in 50 minutes.
Duration 50:00
1) The Happy Accidents of the Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard
2) The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16 October 1834
by Joseph Mallord William Turner
3) Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants by Paul Cézanne
4) Original Wood Block Painting by Katsushika Hokusai
5) Original Wood Block Painting by Katsushika Hokusai
6) Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
7) Juan de Pareja by Diego Velázquez
8) the Costume as Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion Tilla Durieux by Auguste Renoir
9) Elizabeth Farren by Sir Thomas Lawrence
10) Annunciation Triptych by Workshop of Robert Campin
11) from the Unicorn Tapestries The Unicorn Rests in a Garden
12) View of Toledo by El Greco (Domenikos Theotokooulos)
Mar. 2022
The Red Rock by Paul Cézanne
data reading in French: Audrey
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 02:33
Jan. 2022
Still Life by Paul Cézanne
with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants
with Apples and a Pot of Primroses
data reading in Japanese: Kyoko
data reading in Chinese: Sin-jin
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 07:00
Jan. 2022
The video is constructed with 4 short videos total.
"Robert Campin meets Paul Cézanne"
"Paul Cézanne meets Robert Campin"
"13 language voices"
Leaning Tables
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 13:50
Image: Annunciation Triptych by Workshop of Robert Campin, ca.1427–32
Image: Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants by Paul Cézanne, 1893–94
Dec. 2021
Monk Kuya Passes in Front of Simone Martini
Visible Voices
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 4:35
Feb. 2022
Choju Jinbutsu Giga
Music Interpretation by Binary
Animals Bathing and Swimming
Duration 5:20
Dec. 2021
Auguste Renoir meets Sir Thomas Lawrence
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 2:55
Dec. 2021
Vincent van Gogh Self-portrait
No Bandaged and Bandaged
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 5:50
First Version, Dec. 2021
Robert Campin meets Paul Cézanne
Leaning Tables
Music Interpretation by Binary
Duration 4:55
Left Image: Annunciation Triptych by Workshop of Robert Campin, ca.1427–32
Right Image: Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants by Paul Cézanne, 1893–94
Duration 03:00
Duration 03:00
Three Cypresses Paintings by Vincent van Gogh
Cypresses Paintings | Vincent van Gogh
Algorithm | Kenji Kojima


Duration 09:00
3 Cypresses Paintings by Vincent van Gogh
Road with Cypress and Star
Wheat Field with Cypresses
Sounds of Strokes, Dots, and Colors
Paintings of Vincent van Gogh
3 minutes Digest
Created music from binary data of the paintings


Full Version: 21:30
Most people tend to talk about the madness of Van Gogh's paintings
but he painted the influence of Pointillism with optical consideration.
The piano music in the video converted the binary data of colors
of strokes and dots collected from Van Gogh's paintings into music.
Original 6 Paintings by Vincent van Gogh.
Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat
First Steps, after Millet
Olive Trees
The Sower
Wheat Field with Cypresses
Guardian Deities In the City
3 minutes Digest
Original 8 Egg Tempera Paintings by Kenji Kojima. 1981-1984
Created music from binary data of the paintings
Duration 03:00
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
Lascaux Palaeolithic Cave Paintings
Lascaux-IV 10
3 minutes Digest

Duration 03:00
Lascaux-IV 11
3 minutes Digest

Duration 03:00
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: Irises at Yatsuhashi
伊勢物語 第九段 八橋
by Ogata Korin
a pair of six-panel folding-screen paintings


Duration 09:30
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
The Great Wave and Red Fuji
from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
by Katsushika Hokusai


Duration 07:20
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
The Unicorn Rests in a Garden
from the Unicorn Tapestries
Binary as an art material:
The Swing
The Happy Accidents of the Swing
by Jean-Honoré Fragonard

Duration 05:00

Duration 04:10
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
by Vincent van Gogh
Binary as an art material:
Wheat Field with Cypresses
by Vincent van Gogh

Duration 02:50

Duration 04:15
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
Studies for the Libyan Sibyl
by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Binary as an art material:
by Leonardo da Vinci
Smile Score (24 pages) Download

Duration 03:45

Duration 03:15
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
Boy in Red
Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga
by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
Binary as an art material:
Hermann von Wedigh III
by Hans Holbein the Younger

Duration 04:45

Duration 04:00
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
The angel Gabriel is about to tell
Workshop of Robert Campin
Binary as an art material:
Saint Andrew
by Simone Martini

Duration 04:00

Duration 04:20
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material:
Tilla Durieux
the Costume as Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion
by Auguste Renoir
Binary as an art material:
Elizabeth Farren
by Sir Thomas Lawrence

Duration 03:15

Duration 04:44
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: Flora
by Rembrandt van Rijn
The visual data was collected in 3 places randomly every 4.2 second then
they were converted into musical notes. Duration 03:46
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: Still Life
with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants by Paul Cézanne
The visual data was collected in 4 places randomly every 3.2 seconds then
they were converted into musical notes. Duration 02:57
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: Juan de Pareja
by Diego Velázquez
The visual data was collected in 6 places randomly every 3 seconds then
they were converted into musical notes. Duration 04:23
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: View of Toledo
by El Greco (Domenikos Theotokooulos)
The visual data was collected in 4 places randomly every 2 seconds then
they were converted into musical notes. Duration 04:40
Create Music from a Classic Painting / Luce 2021
Binary as an art material: The Burning
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16 October 1834
by Joseph Mallord William Turner
The visual data was collected in 6 places randomly every 3 seconds then
they were converted into musical notes. Duration 04:35
2015 - 2021
Techno Synesthesia:
Bees, Birds, Speech, Lumière and Other Series
2014 - 2018
Four Seasons Studies, Space-Time Drawing
Archway, Fountain in New York City
Subway, Street, Others and Studies
Media Performance Noh [I-MY]
Anti-Nuclear Artwork
Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011
Created music from press photos on internet
RGB Music 2007 - 2019
The application develpoment
which converted image data to musical notes
Cipher 2013, 2014, 2016
Cipher Music / Split & Merge AudioVisual
CipherText Project / 暗号計画
Encrypt Image / 暗号画像
Web Applications English & Japanese
The Sun goes around on Spaceship Earth.
JIKANKEI is a software art. It displays angles of the Sun
and local times of cities and places on the Earth.
2014 -
News / Exhibitions in Cyber and Real World
LiveCode 6 Programming Tutorilal (Japanese)
LiveCode 6 プログラミング初心者開発入門 (日本語)
1つのソース・コードから Mac, Win, Linux アプリを同時に作成する
about Techno Synesthesia in Japanese by the artist Kenji Kojima.